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Earthquakes in Turkey(Update #10)-The Church Continues to Shine

swm 2023.03.10 00:51 조회 수 : 28

Earthquakes in Turkey(Update #10)-The Church Continues to Shine

  • Pray that God would use all the earthquake relief ministries to permanently change the public’s perception of Christ and His followers in Turkey
  • Pray that all those relief ministries from outside would act wisely by following the advice from the local church leaders in Turkey
  • Pray that God would continue to use ITN to network and mobilize prayers and resources to further the spiritual awakening in Turkey

Positive Press

In general, the Christian community in Turkey is used to being portrayed negatively in the press. In recent days, however, there has been refreshingly positive news coverage, particularly on social media, highlighting the way Christian communities have been serving earthquake victims.

The local Hatay municipality shared about their joint effort with the Association of Protestant Churches in Turkey (TeK) to build a tent city for earthquake victims in İskenderun (see photo). “80 tents were provided by the Association of Protestant Churches in Turkey and set up in our Arsuz Expo Area.”

In a tik tok video that went viral, several local Islamic religious leaders criticized the smiling faces of Christians serving meals to earthquake victims claiming they were trying to “draw people in." The public response to this has been one of surprise at these men’s interpretation of Christian’s heartfelt service to their suffering neighbors.

May God use this time to permanently change the public’s perception of Christ and those who follow him!

Updates from the Earthquake Zone

First Hope Association

The First Hope Association (İlk Umut Derneği) continues providing aid to many through their showers, toilets, washing facilities, and mobile bakery. They have also recently set up a large tent where activities are being organized for children. They continue their partnership with Sarmatian’s Purse who has served “2,600 patients and performed more than 100 surgeries” since arriving in Turkey. You can read more about this here.

Church Efforts: Momentum and Challenges

One month has passed since the initial twin earthquakes took place and churches along with local ministries continue to serve both in the earthquake zone and in cities across Turkey where victims have re-located. The needs on the ground are constantly changing, but the need for shelter and clean water remains one of the most urgent. A major concern and challenge is preventing disease through providing means for sufficient hygiene and cleanliness.

  • There are several locations set up by different churches throughout the earthquake zone that are being used as storage facilities and distribution centers. Logistic information is being shared regularly to send supplies and aid to locations based on needs. Here’s a video of how the Mardin Protestant Church is helping at a service station in Adıyaman.
  • In the Antakya region, those serving are focused on setting up tents and other forms of shelter.
  • One ministry group is serving 15,000 meals a day in the city center.
  • The Kurtuluş Church Network was able to purchase a bakery to help feed people in Antakya and the surrounding area. Here is their most recent video update.
  • Churches also are ministering to those who have relocated to other cities. Recent data shows that earthquake victims have been relocated to a numbers of cities: Ankara, 237,215; Antalya, 155,000; Izmir 70,000; Konya 53,877; Mersin 62,184 and Elazig 50,000. It is difficult to track the movement of the 13 million people in Turkey who have been affected, so these numbers are likely much higher.
  • Unfortunately, one church’s soup kitchen was recently shut down by the local government in Adıyaman. While the exact reasons are unknown, Adıyaman is quite a religiously conservative city and those serving there perceive that there was pressure from the community to close this kitchen down.
  • Unfortunately there have beee some negative consequences from well-meaning but unwise distribution of Christian literature. Those serving in one province report that the local government does not want to receive aid given through churches. In fact, several prefabricated containers sent by a church group were turned away. “Therefore, working in these areas has been difficult and requires wisdom,” reports a local church leader.
  • To view TeK’s most recent report, you may click here (02 March 2023).


How to secd check

Pay to the order of: Silk Wave Mission

주소: Silk Wave Mission 2111 W. Crescent Ave. Unit E, Anaheim, CA 92801Memo: [Donate for Türkiye earthquake]

Contact: Lauren Park(lauren@silkwavemission.com/714-999-8639)

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