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(ITN) Two Church Building Challenges

swm 2024.11.15 12:02 조회 수 : 10

ITN Nov 11, 2024
  • Pray that the building problems in both churches in Bursa and Diyarbakır would be solved by divine intervention and grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of all His churches.
  • Pray that the legal proceedings, that the court ruling against their request for land would be overturned, and the provision of the land/new building to meet the needs of the growing congregation.
  • Pray that God would give strength, patience, and hope to all local churches in Turkey, and moreover that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit to face and overcome these ongoing challenges.

At times, the Turkish Protestant community faces issues related to their church buildings or meeting spaces. While the government allows for churches to have legal representation through “associations” and “foundations,” the meeting places of most Protestant congregations are not recognized as (ibadethaneler) official “places of worship.”

Sometimes, zoning laws and building size requirements can prevent churches from qualifying for this specific status. In the most recent Human Rights Violations Report, TeK describes these issues in the following way;

“The right to establish and maintain a place of worship is an important component of the freedom of religion and belief. Because members of the Protestant community are mostly new Christians, they do not have religious buildings that are part of their cultural and religious heritage like the traditional Christian communities have in Turkey.

The number of historical church buildings which are available for use is very limited…The range of places of worship used by the Protestant community as at the end of 2023 is as follows:

The known number of Protestant congregations in all of Turkey is 205. An analysis of their use of worship sites is:

  • Congregations with their own stand alone or independent building (in the name of an individual or legal entity) - 23.
  • Congregations who worship in their own building that is not stand alone or independent (in the name of an individual or a legal entity) - 29
  • Those who worship in a traditional historical church - 12.
  • Those who worship in a rented facility - 119.
  • Those who worship at home or in an office - 22.

From these statistics, it is clear how important the issue of having a place of worship is for the Protestant community, and how insecure the current situation is due to the number of rental properties and home fellowships. The steadily growing Protestant community continued to face a serious problem in 2023 regarding a place to worship.

. In smaller communities where there has not been a Christian presence in the recent past or where there is no Christian place of worship, Protestant community members are confronted with serious and very visible social pressure.”

Many Protestant communities’ use of rented spaces can make them vulnerable to eviction or other forms of harassment. Furthermore, the process of obtaining permits for building or renovating churches can be very cumbersome with delays that can be caused by bureaucratic hurdles.

Currently, several Protestant churches in different parts of the country are facing related issues. We would like to highlight two of these situations:

Üç mezhebin ibadet edebildigi yapi: Bursa Protestan Kilisesi'nin depreme dayankh olmadigi için tahliyesi istendi "Burasi ayni zamanda hem yerli hem yurt disindan gelenlere açik. Kültür ve inanç turizmi yapiliyor."

Bursa – Marmara Region

The Bursa Protestant Church worships in a historic church building near the centre of Bursa. This is a well-known cultural and religious heritage site, attracting visitors from around the world and attracts many local people wanting to know more about Christianity.

In August, this church was ordered to vacate the church building, because it had been alleged that it would not be safe in an earthquake. Despite certified engineers confirming that the risks are lower than alleged, no alternative worship space was offered by authorities.

The church leadership lodged an appeal requesting a postponement or reversal of this decision, as their right to gather for worship is protected under Turkish law. While waiting for an official response, they are still currently meeting in the church building.

  • Pray for wisdom and favor for the church leadership as they appeal the order to vacate the historic building.
  • Pray for wisdom and favor for the church leadership as they appeal the order to vacate the historic building.
  • Pray for peace and protection over the Protestant community in Bursa, that they may continue to gather for worship without fear or disruption. Pray for strength and unity within the congregation during this time of uncertainty.

Diyarbakır – South East Region

In July, ADF International (state the company) reported that the; "Diyarbakir Protestant Church Foundation has been prohibited from acquiring land zoned for religious buildings for a new worship center.

Authorities and government officials continually ignored and turned down their requests, claiming they lack the authority to grant them. "This church, with over 100 members, is in need of a larger space to better serve their community.

  • Pray for a breakthrough in the legal proceedings, that the court ruling against their request for land will be overturned.
  • Pray for the provision of land or a new building, as the church’s current space is insufficient to meet the needs of its growing congregation.
  • Ask God to give strength, patience, and hope to the members of Diyarbakır Protestant Church as they face these ongoing challenges.
  • Pray for favor with local officials and government authorities, that they may allow the church to secure the space it needs to serve the community.
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