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[ITN] Changes to Residency Permits

swm 2024.09.13 12:45 조회 수 : 10

  • Pray that current foreign workers in Turkey would find a way not only to stay in the country but also to keep serving the on-going ministries by the divine hands of God.
  • Pray that the foreign workers in Turkey would not come under the "fear of being kicked out" but boldly and wisely trust the Lord for their future directions of ministries.
  • Pray that the current Turkish government would keep, protect, and insure the full rights of all foreign workers in country who are staying legally in Turkey.


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You may forward this message in FULL to trusted, praying people (but please do NOT forward it in part). Please do not add your own commentary because in doing so you may unintentionally use terminology that would be interpreted differently in Turkey.

You may NOT post this message on any social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) or on any other website or public place.

Over the last couple of years, there have been some significant changes to a common type of residence permit used by many foreigners living in Turkey. Below we explain these changes and discuss some implications for those preparing to live and serve in Turkey and for those sending them.

NOTE: This advice is general in nature and should not be relied upon for your specific situation. You will need to do your own research to determine how the rules apply to your particular set of circumstances.

Short-Term Residency Permits

There are various tracks that non-Turkish citizens may follow to acquire permission to legally reside in Turkey. Traditionally, the most common path used by foreign Christian workers has been the short-term tourist residency permit (STTRP).

Typically, these were granted for a period of 1 to 2 years (although longer periods were sometimes approved) and permit holders could apply for their permits to be renewed repeatedly.

Many foreign Christian workers have successfully lived and served in Turkey for many years while holding an STTRP. However, in recent years, the Ministry of Interior has been declining many applications for STTRPs, especially first-time applications (i.e. those new to Turkey or whose previous permit has expired).

It is important to note that residency permit requirements in Turkey change often and that these latest changes are not targeted at the Christian community, rather they are a response to significant pressures the nation has been facing.

In recent years, the number of foreigners seeking asylum, refugee status, or residency in Turkey has put great strain on Turkish society. Turkey has faced a steady influx of refugees and migrants from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and other Central Asian nations who are fleeing unrest or seeking economic opportunities. Since the war in Ukraine began, many have also come from Ukraine and Russia to live in Turkey.

This strain is compounded by the economic situation in Turkey, which is experiencing high inflation rates and an increasingly expensive housing market. Many Turks are calling out to the government to protect their jobs and stabilize the economy and housing prices. Additionally, the Ministry of Interior is attempting to more closely align its residency requirements with those of European nations.

Given all these pressures and challenges, it is not surprising that Turkey has responded by tightening the requirements for residency permits. The impact of this is most notable in the changes made to STTRPs. Some of these changes reflect adjustments in the rules, and others appear to reflect a tightening up in how the authorities are the applying the rules and exercising discretion.

From our observation, here are some key features and changes to the STTRP system:

  • STTRPs are now more difficult to obtain, and approval is not guaranteed.
  • Recent surveys show that the vast majority of first-time applicants for STTRPs are having their applications declined. (“First-time” includes both those new to Turkey and those whose previous STTRP has expired.)
  • There has also been an increase in the number of rejections for those renewing their existing STTRP.
  • STTRPs still do not give the permit holder the right to work in Turkey.
  • At times, applicants for STTRPs are required to provide additional documentation outlining their tourist plans including travel, accommodation booking, proof of outside income, etc.
  • Currently, the term of STTRPs granted is typically shorter than before, often just 6 months, maximum 1 year.
  • Some applicants have been advised that their newly granted STTRP will be the last time they will be granted a renewal.

Implications for those who GO and those who SEND

Do these residency permit changes mean that Turkey is now closed to foreign workers or that sending groups should look to send people elsewhere?

Absolutely not!

It just means that those looking to live and serve in Turkey for the long-term need to adapt to the changing environment; basing a strategy upon the assumption that you will be able to stay in Turkey long-term on a STTRP is risky and unlikely to be successful.

Senders who have traditionally based their sending strategy on using the STTRP path would be well advised to review who they send and how they send. To increase one’s prospects of successfully securing residency permits, candidates for the field should consider what related preparation they will need to make to become eligible for a different class of residency permit (for example securing qualifications and work experience that will open the doors to getting a job in Turkey, or securing the necessary funds to purchase property in Turkey).

What alternatives are there to the short-term tourist residency permit?

There are currently several paths available to non-Turkish citizens seeking to apply for residency in Turkey. The more common include:

  • Work Permit
  • Property ownership
  • Investment
  • Student Residency Permit for undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral studies
  • Language-learning residency permits (There have been varying levels of success with this type of permit.)
  • Digital Nomad Residency Permit (This is a very new permit only available under very specific circumstances to those from select nations, and it has yet to be seen how widely they will be granted. Read more about it here.)
  • Family permit for the spouse and dependents of a Turkish citizen or holder of a residency permit.

Each path has its own set of detailed requirements. You can begin your research into the most suitable approach for your specific situation at the Ministry of Interior’s website (in English) here.

Important Note

As outlined above, these changes are not targeted at foreign Christians or Christian workers. They apply across society. The changes to the STTRP should not be confused with the entry bans that some foreign Christian workers have received over the past few years which is an entirely separate and unconnected issue.


Changes to immigration policy should not be cause for fear. However, it is important to be wise and to remain well-informed.

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