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SWM News

2024 December Special Offering Campaign

swm 2024.12.20 10:13 조회 수 : 90

Even tears have frozen over…

Relief offerings are urgently needed for refugees enduring the harsh winter cold. Amidst the refugees, the Gospel of Jesus is being proclaimed, and refugee churches are being established locally.

Support is needed for local ministers planting these churches.

The refugee church planting movement is an incredible opportunity for churches and believers to experience God's grace and blessings together.

The restoration of this land, once watered by the blood of martyrs during the early church era, proclaims the Gospel and plants churches, one of the most crucial ministries in these last days.

We invite you to join in God's work and the place of His grace.

Special Offering Goal: $120,000

  • Church Planting Fund: $72,000
  • Local Ministers’ Family Retreat: $30,000
  • Year-End Refugee Relief Offering: $18,000
How to Send Check

Pay to the order of: Silk Wave Mission

주소: Silk Wave Mission 2111 W. Crescent Ave. Unit E, Anaheim, CA 92801

Contact: finance@swmnet.org /714-999-8639
