- We give God all the glory, honor, and power for the growth and expansion of God's kingdom in the year 2023.
- Pray that online/internet evangelism ministries and building up mature local church leaders regionally and globally would continue in 2024.
- Pray that this Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations very soon.

2023, A Year of Growth
As we step into 2024, an eagerly anticipated year for the Lausanne Movement, my heart overflows with gratitude as I present to you our 2023 Impact Report. This is a testament to our leaders, staff, volunteers and partners, and above all, to the active and powerful work of the Spirit, without whom all our efforts would be futile.
2023 was a pivotal year in the exciting journey towards the Fourth Lausanne Congress. We witnessed the exponential multiplication of our global influence, growth in the depth of our local footprint, and most significantly, a profound impact on the lives we touch—a stride forward in the pursuit of the Great Commission. The 2023 Impact Report reflects our ongoing commitment to the Lausanne Movement’s fourfold vision as we accelerate global mission together.
Gospel-Impact Regionally and Globally
We didn’t just connect with people; we became threads in the rich fabric of every global region. Our prayers resonated in languages as diverse as the world itself, fostering greater engagement in places we had not yet previously reached. It’s awe-inspiring to witness God’s global church flourishing, and we are honoured to play a pivotal role in connecting, equipping, and resourcing leaders and influencers worldwide.
Online Engagement
Our impact transcended the physical boundaries of our gatherings, echoing far beyond. We invite you to delve into the personal stories of engagement and the ripples of action that our collective efforts sent across communities worldwide, be it through podcasts, YouTube, social media, or other digital avenues.
Research on the Great Commission
Dedicated to empowering leaders with mission-critical data, our commitment reached new heights with the State of the Great Commission report. This first-ever comprehensive research project, which will be released in the coming months, explored gaps and opportunities in mission, underlining our dedication to providing quality research and providing the global church with the latest data on how to strategically position themselves for mission.
Investing in Building Christlike Leaders
We celebrate the growth and development of Christlike leaders around the world as we invested in mentoring, equipping, and shaping younger leaders through opportunities for them to connect, form friendships and connections, grow in their education and be primed to engage deeply in their areas of gifting. These younger people from all over the world represent the future leaders of global Christianity.
2023 was in many ways a year of preparation for 2024 and the season beyond. We invested in the Lausanne 4 journey through listening and learning from one another at our regional gatherings and in preparing our leaders and participants for the Fourth Lausanne Congress. Foundational to this remains our unwavering commitment to serve, equip, and connect the global church.
I invite you to dive into the report, celebrate our shared successes, and join us in giving thanks to God for the collective impact we’ve achieved. Your prayers and partnership have fueled us in yet another remarkable year, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all our supporters for their generous contributions to the life and vitality of the Lausanne Movement.
We Conducted a Research Project on the State of the Great Commission
The State of the Great Commission Report, led by researcher Matthew Niermann and his team, is one of the three key documents of the Lausanne 4 journey and the Fourth Lausanne Congress for World Evangelisation.
The objective of Lausanne 4 is to catalyse collaboration of the global church towards the discipling of the nations and the shaping of the world. The State of the Great Commission report will be an invaluable aid to the global church by providing factual data, highlighting the greatest gaps and the greatest opportunities in fulfilling the Great Commission.
We Refreshed Our Brand Identity
In 2023 we were able to refresh our brand identity. Our refreshed look and feel is important in continuing the trusted identity and relevance of the Lausanne brand and propels us forward into the next season.
As one respondent described it, ‘I love the new look. It’s a fresh step toward 2050 where every part of the body of Christ counts in order to take us there. I am glad to belong.’ Take a look at our press release for details on the symbolism of the new logo and refreshed essence of the Lausanne brand.
We Launched Two New Podcasts
Lausanne Movement Podcast
In 2023, the Lausanne Movement introduced its very first podcast, offering insights from a global network of Christian leaders.
This initiative supports the advancement of the gospel and stimulates kingdom impact in every sphere of society. Debuting in October, the podcast successfully published 19 interviews throughout the year. It marked an encouraging beginning, attracting over 10,000 engagements from listeners in 96 countries worldwide.
We Facilitated Gospel-Impact Regionally and Globally
A main focus of 2023 were the regional gatherings that were held for each of Lausanne’s 12 regions as part of the Lausanne 4 journey and in preparation for the congress.
“Mind the Gaps” South East Asia
Held in August 2023 under the theme ‘Mind the Gaps: What are the major gaps to fulfilling the Great Commission?,’ the gathering focused on three topics: gaps within the family and individuals, gaps within the church, and gaps beyond the local church.
“We Belong” South Asia
Revolving around the theme ‘We Belong’ and held in October 2023, the regional gathering featured an insightful presentation on the State of the Great Commission, with a particular focus on South Asia. It also shed light on the numerous opportunities for greater engagement within the South Asian countries.
“Lausanne South Asia virtual Gathering has ended today. It was a beautiful and blessed gathering. Keep South Asia in your prayers. “
“The Church in Latin America and its Contribution to Global Mission” Latin America
The Latin America regional gathering took place in Montevideo, Uruguay, in September 2023, drawing participation from 16 countries in the region. A total of 191 men and women participated, with 50 of these attending virtually while the rest gathered in-person at the venue.
“As Latin America is officially incorporated into the conversation, we are challenged to think about our particular role and contribution. In a personal sense, I wonder how God is calling me to participate in this challenge.
“God on the Move” Caribbean
In July 2023, 120 leaders from all over the Caribbean region gathered in Georgetown, Guyana, and online to connect and collaborate for the advancement of the Great Commission. The gathering theme was ‘Redefining “MISSION” for the Caribbean Church in the 21st century: God on the Move!’
“As I continue in ministry discernment for the future, I’m so thrilled for the opportunity to recenter on the Great Commission this week at the Lausanne Caribbean Leaders Gathering in Guyana. This week is especially meaningful for me because I am of Caribbean ancestry. Every chance I have to fellowship with the global church is so, so refreshing. Can’t wait to learn from my Caribbean colleagues and discover more about what God is doing right here in the ‘Africa of the West’. “
“L4AM – Learn, Formulate, Advance, Meet” Africa and the Middle East
From 14-17 November 2023, 789 African and Middle East Christian influencers and leaders gathered virtually and onsite in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the Lausanne Africa and Middle East (L4AM) regional gathering. Each day, participants engaged in extended periods of reading God’s Word and worship, plenary sessions, discussion groups and panel discussions, and had opportunities to network.
“Thank you for inviting me to be part of the Lausanne 4AM this year. It was an amazing time to get to reflect and learn more in the gathering. Looking forward to making an impact in the Kingdom. May the Lord bless you for the great organisation of the gathering. It was a great blessing to me.”
e Helped Raise Up Christlike Leader
Lausanne Europe Younger Leaders Gathering–Bosnia and Herzegovina
In November 2023, Evi Rodemann, chair of the Lausanne Movement’s Younger Leaders Generation (YLGen) Groups and event coordinator of Gatherings congress, hosted a Lausanne Europe Younger Leaders Gathering with a wonderful team. 50 younger leaders, mentors, and speakers from 14 countries came to Bosnia and Herzegovina and had a fantastic time together connecting, learning from each other and hearing from God. The next gathering will take place in November 2024 in Albania.
Lausanne Europe Younger Leaders Gathering–Germany
Germany hosted its 5th Younger Leaders Gathering in June 2023. 30 younger leaders from various spheres of influence, all passionate about Jesus and his Kingdom in Germany and beyond, attended the gathering. About half of them were new participants who were nominated by other leaders in Germany, where the next YLG will take place, in March 2024.
YLGen Educate
The YLGen Educate initiative was launched in 2018 as a way of continuing Lausanne’s legacy through securing full-tuition scholarships from some of the world’s top seminaries, universities, and other degree-granting institutions for YLGen participants. Many of these leaders already serve as CEOs, board members, and lead pastors for some of the most influential organisations and churches around the world, and others are emerging leaders wanting to be equipped for global mission. During the past four years, YLGen Educate has made it possible for 32 scholars from 22 different countries to pursue graduate-level degrees, affording them the opportunity to be better equipped as they impact their communities and spheres of influence.
We Helped Build Missional Community
YLGen Online Community
We were able to continue fostering the YLGen community through an online chat group that allows younger leaders to connect, share prayer requests, relay opportunities, and build friendship. The response has been very positive and has fostered deeper connections among the group.
We Supported Fruitfulness from Generation to Generation
The Lausanne Movement helped enable 101 leaders from 41 nations and five generations (aged 18-81) representing different missional interests come together in discussion at the Lausanne Generations Conversation (LGC23) at Biola University in La Mirada, California, from 31 May to 3 June 2023. Together with the global listening calls, focus group calls, and regional gatherings that make up the Lausanne 4 journey, LGC23 helped inform the participants’ active listening in preparation for the Seoul 2024 congress and beyond.
This diverse gathering had the goal of strengthening intergenerational relationships between leaders and exploring best practices in intergenerational collaboration for global mission throughout the Movement in the coming decades. New intergenerational strategies and partnerships, as well as friendships have already emerged as a result of LGC23, along with a fresh framework for the next season in Lausanne.
Ken Koyama
The style of LGC23, focusing on ‘generational conversation’ was fresh for me as an Asian (Japanese) participant. Since the average age of Japanese pastors is said to be about 70, I believe intergenerational collaboration and friendship can be the key for mission advancement in Japan. I will share with my networks, pastors, and ministry partners in Japan what I learned and experienced at LGC23. I will also try to apply it myself to our ministries.
Bodil Skjøtt
I learned that we have more to gain from one another across generations than we often realise but it also takes more time and requires more curiosity than we are often willing and committed to give. It is in diversity—across ages and cultures—that genuine unity can be achieved and demonstrated and it that way mirrors the God we serve.
Caleb Huang
I was very nervous going to LGC23 after having looked at the list of people attending: VPs, CEOs, Directors, I felt like I would definitely feel out of place, but once I got there, it was the complete opposite. The people were so humble and welcoming, especially to someone younger and less experienced. Because of their humility and servant-like attitude I was able to learn and grow so much just from the couple of days I spent surrounded by all these leaders from around the world.
We Launched the Lausanne Leadership Journey
The Lausanne Leadership Journey (LLJ) is a new endeavour that seeks to impact the next generation of Christian leaders who will be the global leaders and influencers in the year 2050.
The first official programme was launched in April 2023 with 11 participants from North America, Latin America, EPSA, Francophone Africa, Eurasia, East Asia, South Asia, and South Pacific. It will run until September 2024.
A pilot test for LLJ was held in June 2022 with seven leaders representing nearly every continent and facilitated by trainers from a host of different countries. The participants in the pilot project had a chance to connect with all the regional directors and the board members, all of whom were very generous in giving of their time and capacity to meet and connect with these younger leaders.
The hope and expectation of LLJ is that by the end of the experiential journey, each participant will be transformed, developed, and equipped to lead and influence their region, nation, and the world in ways that strongly reflect Jesus and carry on the influence of Billy Graham and John Stott, while also embodying Lausanne’s values of humility, friendship, prayer, study, partnership, collaboration, and hope.
Josue Anagya
Sometimes I have questions I want to receive input from a global perspective, and I think in LLJ I can find that. I’m excited to journey with people who have more experience with me and build wider connections through Lausanne
John Munayer
The diversity, in both the participants and the content, really encouraged me during the program and has made a lasting impact on me. The content has been simple but very enriching leadership training. It’s a very constructive and safe space to learn from one another and other leaders and to share struggles/lessons learnt and lastly to receive support.
Janet Sewell
The material is always something you can get from a book, a podcast, or YouTube, but the conversations with people is what is invaluable. The conversations and the relationships are what I’m taking with me back home.
We Blessed One Another in Prayer
In the spirit of unity and collaboration under Christ, brothers and sisters from different Lausanne regions blessed other regions through prayer, as part of the Lausanne 4 journey.
Lausanne North America region hosted a prayer call for Lausanne South Asia in October 2023. In the same month, brothers and sisters from the Lausanne regions in Africa hosted a prayer call for Lausanne North America, with a focus on praying for the North American regional gathering in Illinois, October 2023. These prayer initiatives were guided by the Lausanne Intercession Working Group ahead of the 2023 regional gatherings.
We also participated in the 714 Korean Prayer Event, where more than 6,000 people (some say even 10,000) gathered for more than seven hours. Each of them prayed for the Lausanne Congress, asking the Koreans to commit to prayer for the congress and the future delegation. But even more calling the Korean church to humble themselves and be reunited in God as this country is sadly so divided. They are desperate to see God bring a new awakening.
We Helped Equip and Connect Leaders on Mission
Catalysts / Issue Networks
The Lausanne 4 journey has infused fresh energy into many of the networks with some already strategizing exactly how they will engage with the 25 ‘gaps’ in the progress toward the mission of the global church declaring and displaying Christ together to a watching world, identified as key topics to begin collaborating on at the congress. Others, through means of a revised content strategy have launched new engagement opportunities such as the Health for all Nations Network which pioneered a series of six dynamic webinars on mental health.
All 27 networks have been actively engaged in their fields of interest and many have been collaborating together to form new strategies and more agile and responsive networks as they seek to accelerate global mission in their contexts. Across the board, we have seen an increase in engagement with the Issue Network topics as well as a new energy from within Issue Networks to work together towards the fulfilment of the four-fold vision while also maximising the strategic opportunity of the upcoming Fourth Congress. Together, through projects like the UNMUTE initiative, our catalysts have been experiencing that collaboration is not always easier but always better.
Moving Forward
We are grateful to God for 2023 and the selfless leaders, staff, volunteers and partners that made this kind of impact possible.
As the pace continues to pick towards the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Incheon, South Korea, we pray that when we come to the end of 2024, we will look back on an incredible year marked by God’s faithfulness to us.
Let us continue to pray for the success of the Fourth Lausanne Congress, that it will achieve its objective of rallying the global church towards catalytic collaboration for the discipling of all nations and the shaping of the world in 2050.