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The Middle East Today

Day 40— Israel in Crisis

swm 2023.11.24 02:15 조회 수 : 46

Day 40— Israel in Crisis

Ron Cantor Nov 15
  • Pray that God would protect Christian communities in Gaza during the current war between Hamas and Israel
  • Pray that the Messianic Jews and Palestine Christians would find unity in the Gospel of Jesus Christ during the war.
  • Pray that the current war would stop soon. We pray for peace for Israel and Palestine.

We are going to share these Stories from Israel with you each day for a while and we hope that you will share them with others. Here is the story of Neta and Iren. These short videos are subtitled in English because they want the world to know what really happened - and never forget.

Yesterday, we ended our day at the Moshav you have been supporting. Every night, they feed soldiers dinner. They started this without any support as the IDF commandeered part of their neighborhood to house soldiers. We have raised $5,000 so far.

They wanted to say thank you to our donors, so they arranged for several soldiers to be available to make a short video. At the end of the video, they told me to interview a young man named Shimon. “He has been here since the very beginning,” they told me. I spent about 3 minutes interviewing him, and then I told him that there are believers all over the world who are praying for the idea of soldiers. I told them, “They love you—they love Israel.”

He then asked me, “So you are a Christian?” Those of you who know me know that I don't use that word to describe me. Primarily because of 2000 years of Christian anti-Semitism. The word Christian does not communicate to Jewish people what it does to others. I told him, “I am a Messianic Jew” (I had no idea if he even understood what that term meant). I wanted him to understand that I am a Jewish believer in Jesus. His response was not what I expected.

“I am a Messianic Jew too!”

Wait, there is more!

As I walked away another soldier came up to me and asked me in Hebrew in a whisper, “Atah Maamin?” (Are you a believer?) I told him that I was. With a big smile, he told me that he was too. He's from Petah Tikvah, near Tel Aviv.

It was the perfect ending to an amazing day of serving and ministering to soldiers. I'm going to keep telling you, these young men and women are not who the media is making them out to be. They are some of the most sweetest, humble people I have ever met. They have no desire to be in a war, and yet they're completely committed to destroying Hamas and protecting Israel. They are quick to tell me that they have nothing against the Palestinian people—just Hamas.

May the Lord bless you greatly!

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