- Pray that true spiritual hunger for the True God and Jesus Christ would rise up for Muslims as they pray and fast for their god, Allah during Ramadan.
- Pray that the Holy Spirit would work signs and wonders to show Jesus Christ as one True Savior among Muslims as we, Christians pray for them (Joel 2:28)
- Pray that MBB(Muslim Background Believer)s would not give in to the fear of lie, fear, and violence of Islam during Radaman, rather stand victorious in Jesus Christ.
Four years ago, during Ramadan, the Lord healed a Somali girl from a mysterious paralysis when her mom’s Christian friend prayed in Jesus’ name.
Please join me to pray for an advance of the Gospel into Somalia during the 30 days of Ramadan (March 1-30). We have increased from 12% to 57% coverage since last Saturday! If you haven’t already, would you sign up by clicking on below link to cover a 15-minute time slot daily.
You will receive a daily reminder and “prayer fuel” to help guide your intercession.