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The Middle East Today

Invite to 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims

swm 2025.02.27 06:15 조회 수 : 20

  • Pray that all MBBs(Muslim Background Believers) would overcome the fear and peer-pressure from the family, friends, and neighbors during the Ramadan time.
  • Pray that a genuine spiritual breakthrough to receive Jesus Christ as the One True Savior and Lord would happen among Muslims during Ramadan prayers.
  • Pray that God's Kingdom would come on Turkey, the Middle East, and all Islamic regions with power of the Holy Spirit during Ramadan as Muslims seek the Truth with fasting and prayers.

Ramadan is considered the most spiritual time to focus on fasting and praying to their god. When we pray for Muslims, it becomes a significant spiritual ministry to ask for God’s salt and light to be spread in their lives. During Ramadan, we will be praying for Muslims, asking to see them touched by God’s love and the power of His Gospel.


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