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Christian Prayer App ‘Hallow’ Banned in Europe

swm 2025.02.14 12:14 조회 수 : 64

ICC Newsroom
  • Pray that not only the prayer app "Hollow" but also all "online" ministries and other Christian affiliations would be restored and revived in all Europe.
  • Pray that there would be a genuine revival by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in all Christians and churches throughout Europe in this end-time.
  • Pray that the Kingdom of God would come in power upon all Europe by repenting all our sins and turning back to the Bible wholeheartedly.

1/29/2025 Europe (International Christian Concern) — Alex Jones, CEO and Co-Founder of the Christian prayer app Hallow, took to X (formerly Twitter) yesterday, announcing that the European Union (EU) would no longer allow its citizens access to the app.

Jones explained that “over-regulation” targeting all religious apps would make it impossible for Hallow to be available in the EU. This news comes shortly after China removed Hallow from its app store in July 2024.

In his post, Jones expressed his heartbreak over the news as Hallow was in the works of expanding its content to Polish, French, Italian, and German audiences. Since its launch in December 2018, Hallow has seen more than 18 million downloads across 150 countries, making its worldwide reach and influence significant.

While the details of the app’s demise in Europe are sparse, some suspect that the EU’s strict data privacy laws are to blame. EU law classifies data that reveals religious or philosophical beliefs as “sensitive” data and prohibits processing such data without explicit consent, with a few limited exceptions.

However, some are preparing to defend the app. ADF International, an international legal organization committed to free speech and religious liberty, replied to Jones on X, encouraging him to “DM them with more details,” stating they “might be able to help.”

As Europe continues to see a decline in religious affiliation, with the Pew Research Center estimating that the continent’s Christian population could shrink by 100 million before 2050, the need for Christian prayer apps and religious content is considered by many to be more important than ever. As Jones shared on X in response to the EU’s actions, “God will not be outdone.”

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