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Hands and Feet of Jesus - "Triumphant Mercy" Ministry in Lebanon

swm 2024.11.27 13:01 조회 수 : 250

  • Pray that "Triumphant Mercy" ministries would be the hands and feet of Jesus to share the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all those in pain due to the war.
  • Pray that the war between Hezbollah and Israel would come to a peaceful and complete end after the recent ceasefire agreement between Hezbollah and Israel for 60 days.
  • Pray that the Kingdom of God would come in power on Israel, Lebanon, and the Middle East so that the Good News of Jesus Christ would be preached throughout the Middle East.

This video is an update sent by the Christian mission organization Triumphant Mercy in Lebanon. It shares the story of delivering relief supplies to those suffering from the pain of destructions, along with how the gospel is being shared through love and prayer.

Good morning, everyone. I have to say, I have not ever seen or heard of a war like the one that we're living now. I live the 2006 war. I lived the civil war in Lebanon for 15 years and I know what war looks like. But this war is so different. Every day we receive messages on WhatsApp just telling us to leave a building or a certain area because they're going to bomb it.

I have never heard this before. They have sent threats to villages in the South, threats to specific and particularly buildings in the area, and they're targeting these areas. Every day we have a new exodus of people coming into our regions and asking for refuge. People are still living in the streets. There are people who have not found a shelter yet.

I heard of a family yesterday. I heard of the family of 22 people who are living in a street next door. So what can we do? Every day we have new people knocking at our door, and every day we're trying to see how we can help people as much as we can.


Today we are distributing food packages to the people who left their homes because of the war.

And we are showing the love of God by giving them their needs between food packages, cleaning items, hygiene, dry food, and the rest of it. We're also providing milk for the kids, and we are praying that they would see who Jesus is and the love of God through the service that time for mercy is doing.

Of course, we don't want to help people randomly like everyone who comes. We need to visit people. We need to see people. We need to build relationships. And this is what we are trying to do. We're trying to have relationships with people and to help them as much as we can, to leave an impact in their lives so that they will know that someone cares, that Jesus cares, that he is not far from them, that he is Emmanuel, and that he is with them.

Even though we walk through the fire, even though we want the waters is submerging us. He is with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. So what we are doing now is giving mattresses, giving blankets, giving pillows. But we're also trying to give food. So we started with giving food in shelters with hot meals.

We started cooking and we did a lot, a lot of dishes. We gave it to shelters and we gave it to people who needed hot meals. However, we found it easier for them to cook for themselves. So we started providing pots and burners and propane bottles and everything they need. So that they could cook. And we provide the raw materials from oil to grains to all kinds of vegetables, so that they can cook for themselves at home.


We came here because we got a phone call that we had to leave Tyre. We got scared and we left. And exactly yesterday they bombed two airstrikes next to our house. I want to thank Triumphant Mercy for giving us clothes for winter. And we are wearing them. This is one of the sweaters.

It's pretty hard on us. So it's really nice to know that there are people over here helping around.

The amount of attention I am experience here is something I have never experienced anywhere else. And my family that left from Baalbeck, the south of Dahieh found a family here.

Now I know the importance when I go back to Tyre to really go deep in the word of Jesus because it is the only solid rock. Everything comes and goes but in this war, we learned to hold on to Jesus even more.

We trying as much as possible to be the hands and feet of Jesus for these people. we're trying to visit them and build relationship with them. And start with giving them something that they can take back home. If and when they go back home, we don't know what's going to happen. We don't know when the war will stop, but what we know is that now we are here strategically positioned to be who Jesus wants us to be, and we're looking to be a blessing to everyone we meet.

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