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2024 SWM Top 10 News

swm 2024.12.27 11:06 조회 수 : 210

  • We thank God and give Him all the glory, honor, and power for all ministries, staffs, financial supporters, partnering churches, and prayer partners that are with SWM.
  • Pray that the 3 missions of SWM, United Prayer Movement(UPM), Church Planting Movement(CPM), Missional Church Movement(MCM), would be fulfilled in the grace of our Lord.
  • In the new year 2025, SWM would continue to always seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all our needs would be added by Our Heavenly Father in His time.


Hello. How are you? As we approach the end of the year, I reflected on what happened at SWM Mission. There were many things that happened. And thankfully, we also bore fruit through the Lord's guidance. Here are 10 of them. Let's take a look.

1. 2024 Church Planter Family Retreat

2024 began with the CP Family Retreat. In January, the family retreat, which had been postponed for 4 years due to the pandemic, was held again. This retreat, held in Antalya, Türkiye, which was called "Italya" in the Bible, was attended by 280 local missionaries and co-workers for 3 days and 4 nights. Especially for refugee missionary families who had a hard time, it was a time to worship God freely, fellowship, share, and rest.

2. ETI English Teaching Training Institute

In February, the ETI English Teacher Seminar was held at Cerritos Mission Church to support English education for refugee children and youth. Teachers trained in this program play an important role in delivering the word of God in English in Turkish and other Islamic countries. It is a valuable ministry that broadens the worldview of local children through English and makes it easier to access the Bible.

3. Istanbul M Center Renovation

The Istanbul M Center, where churches and missionary organizations in the Islamic world can cooperate and carry out ministries, has been remodeled and reopened. The Istanbul M Center, which Cerritos Missionary Church cooperates with, conducts various ministries such as retired missionary training and local missionary training. Currently, centers are operating in 11 regions including Türkiye, Georgia, Egypt, Jordan, and Greece.

4. AGS Company Establishment

AGS (Anatolia Global Solutions) business was established to help local churches in Türkiye become self-sufficient. It selects local specialties, explores sales channels, and the proceeds are used to support local missionaries. Local missionaries supported by SWM Mission also benefit from employment through this business. The AGS business is currently being actively conducted at the Istanbul M Center.

5. Türkiye Vision Trip

A vision trip with 26 members who are passionate about ministry in the Islamic world was successfully completed. Starting from the island of Büyükada in Türkiye, the journey continued with visits to churches in the region where Apostle Paul ministered. The participants deepened their vision for the Lord while walking together in the land of the Bible.

6. BTS (Bible & Theological Studies) Training for Church Planters

BTS, a theological degree program for church planters, was held at the Alorba Akoy Retreat Center in Türkiye in May. The students who participated were from Türkiye, Iraq, Syria, and Iran, and they are serving as church planters in various regions with SWM. Through this degree program, they not only gained in-depth biblical knowledge but also developed strong bonds of brotherhood in Christ.


7. Participation in the Korean World Mission Conference

The Korean World Mission Conference, where over 500 missionaries from around the world gathered, was held at the Sarang Community Church. SWM Mission set up a booth at the event to welcome fellow missionaries. All the missionaries and their families who participated in this conference prayed and worshiped together to be used by God in world mission with the heart of being missionaries.

8. KBP USA Board and SWM USA Board Meeting

In August, a joint meeting was held between the KBP (Kingdom Business Partners) Board of Directors and the SWM Board of Directors. The meeting began with a report on the work of SWM Mission throughout the year and continued with prayer and discussion about future ministries.

9. HWM (Holy Wave Maker) Youth Missionaries 3rd Graduation Ceremony

The HWM youth missionary training program, which trains young people like morning dew for missionary work, has been completed. Two families and three single female graduates who completed 10 months of training held a graduation ceremony at the Istanbul M Center with worship and testimonies. The tearful faith confessions of the youth missionaries rekindled the passion for mission.

10. Joint Board Meeting of SWM USA and SWM KOREA

In January, a joint board meeting of SWM USA and SWM KOREA was held in Batumi, Georgia. They confirmed plans to establish SWM church planting networks and M Center ministries, as well as to launch the 2027 Blessings to Nations prayer movement.


This is how SWM Mission has spent 2024 together with God. Until the day when God's will for all nations and people is fulfilled, we hope to share the mission that God has given us with you. And we wish you a blessed new year.

Thank you.

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