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Doctor stopped performing abortions after feeling presence of evil in operating room

swm 2024.09.20 12:51 조회 수 : 21

John DiGirolamo August 21, 2024
  • Pray that the evil spirits that temp pregnant mothers to abort the unborn babies would be bound in the name of Jesus Christ, the Giver of all life.
  • Pray that the doctors who perform abortions would realize that their actions are murdering the unborn babies, and stop abortions immediately.
  • Pray that all rulers, all authorities, all powers of this dark world, and all heavenly evil spirits that oppose the principles of God's kingdom would be bound in heaven as we bind them on earth!
Dr. Catherine Wheeler

In ancient times, the pagan god Moloch required child sacrifices. These so called “gods” were actually demons, which begs the question: Has the worship of Moloch returned, this time in an operating room? Those who celebrate abortion, the destruction of the most vulnerable, are doing the bidding of the devil. You don’t have to convince Dr. Catherine Wheeler, who in the early 1990s occasionally committed abortions. But that all changed one day when God got her attention.

“I was about to begin an abortion procedure on a teenager, when the room darkened, and time seemed to slow down. There was an unmistakable presence of evil, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it. What scared me most was my awareness of pure evil in the operating room, related to the abortion I was performing,” explained Dr. Wheeler.

But that isn’t the end of the story. This conversion didn’t happen all at once for Dr. Wheeler, who described the process, “God gently nudged me over time to fully realize the humanity and value of human life.”

Wheeler related how her realization about the sanctity of life “paralleled my journey” back to Christianity and “to walk with Christ.”

“Jesus wasn’t put on this earth to crush people. He came to save people. His death on the cross was to redeem our sins. The gentle hand of God has tenderly guided me along,” she said.

It wasn’t until 2020 when Dr. Wheeler decided to go public and speak out as a pro-life advocate after deeply thinking about how our society became so coarse about human life. “It started when society devalued marriage and promoted intimacy without consequences. You can’t have a sexual revolution, unhindered sexuality, without contraception and abortion,” she noted.

“Sexuality has become almost like a transaction and physical only. If you don’t love the person you’re being intimate with, and that relationship is disposable, why would you love a child who was a result of that?”

“I think the larger issue is that women have been convinced that their value is tied to pursuing a big dream and big life goal and defining that as the most important thing about them. Society has convinced women that children get in the way of what matters most, rather than being one of the most important parts of our lives,” Wheeler said.

Thus, as traditional values became less important, people viewed human life as having less meaning, which resulted in a broader acceptance of abortion. Wheeler also puts some of the blame on Christian churches: “The biblical view of sexuality and intimacy within marriage as God’s good plan to protect children and women (as well as men), occurring within the sanctity of marriage are not being discussed in the pulpit.

Most pastors are scared to discuss it. It’s a huge lost opportunity to prepare our young people with reality before the culture pushes a destructive narrative on them.”

Pregnancy can complicate your life, and the abortion lobby tells young women that abortion is necessary to maintain your own happiness or career goals. In fact, the modern culture encourages women to celebrate their abortion.

This is how abortion is rationalized and is the narrative that Dr. Wheeler now fights against. “I want to put a pebble in their shoe, make them just a little uncomfortable so they’ll think deeper about the value of human life.”

Dr. Catherine Wheeler is featured in a new book by John DiGirolamo, It’s Not About the dEvil, which is a dramatized non-fiction account of three compelling individuals. You can read more about Dr. Wheeler’s life-changing moment that prompted a Christ-centered transformation to become a pro-life advocate. The plot is not a straight line, as there are twists and turns, some unexpected moments that are emotional, inspiring, and always captivating. The story also subtly shows how the culture and the decline of traditional values have impacted abortion in this country. Books can be purchased on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and more information about the author can be found at https://itisnotabout.com.
