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World Christianity in 2025, Source: Center for the Study of Global Christianity

World Christianity 2025: Regional Perspectives

Gina A. Zurlo, Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing
  • We thank God and give Him all glory, power, and honor for the expansion of His Kingdom throughout the world.
  • We pray the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached to all nations, especially to the "unreached people groups" in the world(Matt. 24:14).
  • We pray for all Islamic regions, North Korea, and Israel to open their hearts to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Every year, the International Bulletin of Mission Research presents an annual snapshot of global Christianity, a one-page version of which can be downloaded for free. The table provides a statistical overview of the world’s 2.6 billion Christians and their activities.

This year’s focus is geographical, covering major religious trends in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Northern America, the Middle East, and Oceania over the last 125 years

In 2025, the Global South is home to 69% of all Christians in the world, projected to reach 78% by 2050. Africa became the continent with the most Christians in 2018, passing Latin America (which passed Europe in 2014).

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