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Computing Hope for the Deaf Community in Nigeria

  • Pray that those who have special needs(i.e. handicapped) such as deaf people would also have access to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that God would raise up more people like Wuni Bitrus who have the heart of Our Heavenly Father to reach those special people groups.
  • We ask You, Lord, to send out more laborers to Your harvest fields, for harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few!" (Matt. 9:36-38)

In this episode of “God on the Move,” Wuni Bitrus recounts how after meeting a young Deaf girl in his church, he felt that God was calling him to take action. Within two weeks, he learned sign language and served as her translator in church. It was the first time she heard about Jesus outside of her Muslim school.

Drawing on his background in Computer Science, he began teaching her computing, leading to an increasing interest from the Deaf community to learn alongside him. This journey culminated in the creation of the Deaf Technology Foundation, dedicated to empowering the deaf community through innovative technology solutions and training.

If you are a Christian seeking to discover stories of how God moves in different parts of the world, then this podcast is for you.

번호 제목 날짜
929 World Christianity in 2025, Source: Center for the Study of Global Christianity 2025.02.07
928 Middle East Perspective 2024.10.18
927 중동 퍼스펙티브 2024.10.18
926 Article The Great Commission and the Partial Demise of Globalization 2024.09.30
» Computing Hope for the Deaf Community in Nigeria 2024.06.07
924 이스라엘과 하마스 전쟁을 바라보는 관점 2024.06.07
923 최근 ‘이란-이스라엘’ 사태(2024)에 대한 이해와 평가 2024.04.26
922 The Power of a Decentralized Gospel 2023.11.30
921 이슬람 세계의 종말론적 관점: 하마스와 이슬람 국가의 동기 이해하기 2023.10.19
920 Understanding Islamic End Times Beliefs 2023.10.19
919 변화하는 시대의 총체적 선교 비전 2023.09.22
918 A Holistic Vision of Mission in Changing 2023.09.07
917 [특별기고] 에르도안의 튀르키예 집권, 여기까지인가? 2023.05.11
916 정부의 박해로 이집트 인권단체가 폐쇄되다 2022.01.19
915 새해 첫날 이스탄불 교회들이 훼손되다 2022.01.12
914 통화 위기 속 터키의 인플레이션이 최고치를 기록했다 2022.01.12
913 이라크 쿠르드족을 위한 기도: 벨라루스에서 돌아온 이라크 쿠르드족의 궁핍과 절망 2021.12.08
912 이집트의 기독교 학생들이 교사에게 박해를 당하다 2021.12.08
911 이슬람은 이슬람주의에서 살아남을 것인가? 2021.12.01
910 터키의 경제 위기를 위한 기도 : 터키 리라 가치는 왜 계속 하락하는가? 2021.12.01