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Motivation of the United Prayer Movement (1): First, Be United

swm 2024.07.09 12:47 조회 수 : 35

SWM has been called to three ministries: the United Prayer Movement (UPM) for Türkiye and the Islamic world, the Church Planting Movement (CPM), and the Missional Church Movement (MCM).

). In these last days, God is performing amazing works to bring forth and expand the glory, honor, power, and authority of God's kingdom among all nations and peoples, and to complete His kingdom when Jesus Christ returns as the King of kings.

Therefore, the reason we share how and when the United Prayer Movement for Türkiye and the Islamic world began is to reflect on God's providence and history, to assess our current ministry, and to discern God's will and plan for the future.

In May 2006, I led a pilgrimage team of 24 pastors and their wives from Korea (May 8, 2006 - May 19, 2006). As we made our pilgrimage to the seven churches of Revelation, Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, and Cappadocia, we discussed the spiritual situation in Türkiye at that time.

Despite the tears, sweat, persecution, and tribulation of the early church believers who sowed the seeds of the gospel and changed the Roman Empire, the current percentage of believers in Jesus Christ in this land is less than 0.001%. Out of a population of 80 million, the number of believers is fewer than 1,500.

Many missionaries have been doing their best to spread the gospel and plant churches, but due to the lack of visible fruits, they become disappointed and discouraged, eventually leaving the mission field. I shared that it is extremely difficult to break down the strongholds of the Islamic world. It feels as though these cursed souls, destined for hell, cannot be redeemed

One of the pastors who completed their pilgrimage came to me and asked, "Do you desire spiritual restoration and revival in this land?" I replied, "of course, as a missionary working in this land, I earnestly desire restoration and revival,".

The pastor then suggested, "Then I propose two things." "What are they?" I asked. The pastor said, "First, let the missionaries become one. Second, let the missionaries pray."

The pastor's suggestion resonated in my heart like the voice of God, who earnestly desires restoration and revival in this land. The message to "first unite as one" among missionaries felt like a divine message to all missionaries working in the mission field.

While this might not be the case in all mission fields, in many places, missionaries were failing to achieve unity and oneness in Christ due to differences in the values, direction, content, and methods of their missionary work.

There were even instances where envy and jealousy towards each other led to behaviors that were not edifying to the churches and believers in the mission field.

John 17 contains the earnest prayer that Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion. Jesus earnestly prayed with three key points in mind. First, He prayed, "I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began" (John 17:4-5).

He proclaimed the unity between the Father and the Son and asked to be glorified. Second, He prayed, "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one" (John 17:11b).

He earnestly prayed for the 'oneness' of the twelve disciples. Third, He said in verse 20, "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message" (John 17:20), and continued, "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.

May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me" (verse 21). He also prayed, "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one" (verse 22), "so that they may be brought to complete unity.

. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (verse 23), and "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world" (verse 24).

He earnestly prayed for the 'oneness' of all believers in Jesus Christ through the twelve disciples. In conclusion, the message is that the world will believe that Jesus Christ was sent by God, experience the love of the Father, and see the glory of God through the 'oneness' and 'unity' of the church and believers.

How can the many lost souls in the Islamic world—Muslims—come to believe in Jesus Christ? How can they experience the love of the living God, the Father? How can they see the glory of the invisible God?

Through our unity and union, they can believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah sent by God, experience God's love, and see God's glory.

The unity of missionaries, the unity of the church, and the unity of the saints believers who preach the gospel to lost souls under the power of sin and death in the land of darkness will enable the Muslims in that land to know that Jesus Christ is the Messiah sent by God, experience the Father's love through our unity, and see God's glory through our unity.

Therefore, He made us realize that our unity is a powerful key to breaking down the stronghold of the Islamic world like the walls of Jericho and bringing about the work of the Holy Spirit. The unity of missionaries, churches, and belivers in the work of missions is the first step to spiritual breakthrough, breaking down the evil spirits and strongholds of Satan that hold many Muslims captive.

However, it has never been easy for missionaries, churches, and believers to become one. Our methods and styles of mission work can be very different.

But when we criticized and condemned each other by saying that we were different, we made them see our own shame and vulnerability.

At that time, God made us realize how those who were called together as workers in God's kingdom should serve in the faith, one hope, and one love.

In other words, He made us realize that it is very important to acknowledge each other's differences, to be united in Jesus Christ, and to have a heart and attitude of blessing each other, even if they are different values and methods.

We do not all have to wear the same color uniform. Not all pieces of a puzzle can be the same. The puzzle pieces may be of different sizes and shapes, but the Lord God, who fits the puzzle together, will fit them according to His purpose and will. We are just pieces of the puzzle for the completion of God's kingdom.

When we become one in our Lord, Jesus Christ, the people of the world come to believe in Jesus Christ, experience God's love, and see God's glory. Therefore, Satan hates our unity the most.

He obstructs us from being united and from striving to maintain our oneness. He attempts to destroy our unity. We see the church members failing to unite, becoming divided, and the church crumbling due to Satan's schemes and attacks.

We witness Satan's evil spirits working powerfully to prevent missionaries in the mission fields from uniting, causing discord, judgment, and condemnation among them, which hinders God's glory from being revealed and the work of the gospel from being accomplished.

Thus, we believe that this spiritual breakthrough towards the Islamic world will occur through the unity of missionaries, all ministry workers, churches, and believers.

Therefore, God has greatly desired our unity. He has wanted to achieve the work of the gospel through our 'oneness.' He has desired to reveal His glory through our unity.

Consequently, the motivation for the unified prayer movement, which seeks to bring about God's work and spiritual breakthrough, has arisen from the need for unity among the missionaries working in Türkiye, as well as the unity of the church and believers.
