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Ekmek Association Asma Launderette Project

swm 2023.12.20 07:52 조회 수 : 60

Newsletter #26, December 2023
  • We give you all the glory, honor, power and praise for leading the Asma Launderette Project for the past 7 years.
  • Pray that all the souls that Asma Launderette Project have served and touched would continue to know who Jesus Christ is.
  • Pray that all partners of Asma Launderette Project continue to seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first so that all their needs would be added by Our faithful God.
Some of the young who grew up in Asma with the older ones who served and loved them

Hello everyone, Most of you will be surprised to learn this is sadly the final letter in our Asma Launderette series.

A few weeks after we sent out our last letter in July the landlords of our premises in Basmane told us they wanted us to vacate them; they wanted to turn it into a men’s tea/coffee house. We protested that our rent contract was not due to expire till December, at the same time hoping that they may change their mind by then.

We managed to spin the project out until just last week but the time has come to close, sadly. Could we have looked for a new place? Not really, firstly there are very few suitable premises in the area and during 2023 we realised both the need and means have been changing, it was a sign the time had come to close.

The project passed its 7-year point in September. When we began in 2016 we did not imagine we’d still to be doing this so far ahead. It is amazing we have been able to continue so long. The need for helping the Syrian children with their Turkish had begun to diminish in the last couple of years as all of them under age 7 have been born in Turkey.

While many of their parents never learned Turkish the children have and once in school they speak it at home with their siblings even. This decreased the need for them to come to Asma for help with language and school work. Since the summer we have employed only one full-time Turkish helper to keep our overheads lower.

So the dynamics have gradually shifted over this time. Sadly, now that all their education is in the Turkish system, the younger ones do not learn to read and write in Arabic which is a loss to them of course.


In the late summer the strict push-back methods Turkey used against refugees trying to move on to Europe relaxed and new waves of people left by land and sea once again. Several families we knew in Basmane are now in Athens or Germany, starting a new life. It is a huge upheaval for them but in their minds they are convinced they are moving on to a better life.

Time will tell, of course, hopefully the years they had of Turkish language and education will benefit them somewhere along the way.

Laundry continued to be brought until the last day of our operations. For 7 years we have been giving this service to about 110 families in the neighbourhood. As some left others came, lately even some Palestinians have been arriving in Basmane.

The troubles in the world get ever larger, it seems, each bringing their wave of refugees. What a privilege to have been able to make a small difference to people’s lives over a protracted time but it is such a challenge that the root problems never go away.

The washing machines are being given away, firstly to the 3 Syrian ladies who have worked at Asma for most of these 7 years; a few more to families who have been with us from the start and the remainder to other needy families we know. The toys and materials, all much thumbed and used now, are being shared out to the families who have sent the children.

With tears, grateful hearts and some friendships that will continue, goodbyes were said.


Goodbye from the last team on the last day

Amazingly our funds have lasted to this point, such that we have been able to finish everything “by the book”. Severance pay for the Turkish personnel; a parting financial gift to the Syrian ladies; all utility bills settled - have all been possible.

A small amount remains in our association account which we intend to use towards the education of some of the children from Asma in the year ahead. There are 4 school-leavers in higher education that we have input into. Zekai and I will personally maintain contact with them and follow their progress. We would love to see them complete their studies.

We want to thank each and every one of you who have been faithfully beside us all this time, in heart and wallet! We have done our best to steward all our resources wisely and efficiently and believe that as well as practical help to the people we have been able to deposit care and kindness into their experience. Hopefully the testimony of this will stand them in good stead for a long time.

Whether we have faith in a higher being or not the involvement of all of us shows we all believe that kindness and compassion are good, right and our calling as humanity, as it says in the following words God spoke through Isaiah in the Old Testament:

“Is this not the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.” Isaiah 58:6–9 (NKJV).

May you all be blessed as you continue to bless others in whatever way you are called to do so. With our heartfelt thanks and best wishes to you all.

Alison and Zekai Tanyar, with Derya Sahin
