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Turkey Quake Relief Emergency Operation Updates

swm 2023.03.23 19:31 조회 수 : 28

Turkey Quake Relief Emergency Operation Updates

Writer: Pr. Antuan Gurun 21 February 2023
  • Pray that encouragement, provision, and proper emotional trauma counseling/healing for those affected by the earthquake would be supplied by the local churches and believers.
  • Pray that the government and NGOs would find ways to prevent outbreak of infectious diseases including malaria, leptospirosis, typhoid, dengue fever, and viral hepatitis in the victims' camps.
  • Pray that God would continue to use pastor Antuan and his church team to help and serve the earthquake victims, being the loving and merciful "hands and feet" of Our Heavenley Father.

Dear Brother and Sisters,

Nine cities, in nine days, drove 4350+km, praise the Lord for granting us His traveling mercy. Thank you for being with us in prayers and for your faithful support during our first visits to the quake-hit zones. Below are some updates on our assessments and what the Lord has accomplished.

On Feb. 6, two earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.6 shook S.E Turkey, and over 6,210 aftershocks jolted the areas since then for almost every day. As of writing, the Disaster and Emergency Management Organization of Turkey claimed that at least 41,156 people have been killed and around hundred thousand people injured.

Local and international rescuers have mobilized to continue removing rubble from collapsed buildings while works for establishing temporary settlements in worst-hit areas are gaining pace. As a team and called to be the hands and feet of Jesus during these challenging times, we are grateful for the opportunity to bring our first emergency relief goods on the grounds.

Goals and Accomplishments:

  • To personally bring support, visit, pray, encourage, and extend tangible help to the Believers & neighbours.
  • Provide a survey & assess the current and future needs.
  • Meet local Churches and workers to partner with the current projects and future ministry for children.
  • Met NGOs and government groups to partner in distributing the goods and built temporary shelters.

Prayers Alert

  • Encouragement, provision & proper emotional trauma intervention for our brothers and sisters affected by the quake. Extend help in a long-term impact on local Churches and Believers.
  • Infectious diseases, including diarrheal conditions, acute respiratory infections, malaria, leptospirosis, typhoid, dengue fever, and viral hepatitis, many are complaining already. Please pray that the government and NGOs will find ways to lessen its outbreak in the camps.
  • Looters are everywhere. People described their communities as lawless for the first days after the quake. Please pray for security on the ground.
  • Availability of more clean water/food, enough electricity, medicines, health care services, and miracles.
  • Renowned physical strength for local and international rescuers as they continue to search for survivors.
  • Unity and humility for the local Christian community as we serve. For the name of Jesus be known in this crisis.

Future Needs & Projects: Spring, Summer & Christmas 2023

We are amazed to see the faithful hands of God sustaining this country with so much help from the international community. There is a massive need on the ground. As much help are focusing on adults, our main target is to reach out for the children survivors. After prayers and lengthy deliberations with our local team and church partners, the following projects has been decided.

Trauma Healing Workshop for Staff and Volunteers

We see the great need to raise awareness amongst all staff, and volunteers in health and social care settings about the vast impact of trauma and prevent the re-traumatization of our survivors in settings meant to support healing and recovery. This training will provide additional listening skills and the ability to ask the right questions as they help uplift our children's spirits and their guardians' spirits.

5 Days Spring, Summer Children Camp & Christmas Event

We are excited to extend our Bible Summer Camps activities with the children at the quake camps. These 5-day’s events consist of group handcrafting & art activities, singing, fun games, storytelling, and more. We trust that this fun and friendly intervention will help our survivors cope positively as they adjust to their new life.

Children's Gift bags (Spring, Summer & Fall)

Children are out of school for this school year. They are the one neglected most during this tragedy and trauma. We plan to conduct 5 Days activities in the camps, we hope to gift each child a Children Care Bag (Combine of Pencil, eraser, sharpener, notebook, water container, art craft, drawing pen, summer sandals, clothes, snacks, toy, hygiene, and emergency kits)

Upcoming Winter Distributions of Emergency Relief Goods

We are making our final schedules for our next visits. We will continue to transport and provide supplies to our local churches and neighbours. The emergency relief goods will include more winter clothes for children, provide hot soup and daily food using our mobile kitchen, drinking water, personal hygiene kits, physical and materials to help in building more tents.

I have never seen a similar situation when responding to crises and disasters. I am profoundly grieving from its massive effects on the people, Churches, Christian community, and to millions of lost Turkish people.

Turkey still remains the largest unreached people group, and it is imperative that we would engage through the course of helping people heal and recover from this ordeal. Pray with us that this crisis will bring many doors for people to see Jesus as their Savior and revival for local Churches and Believers.


All for His glory,
