- We give you all the glory for what you have, are, and will be doing through Samsun Church. Pray that you will continue to bless and use the church to spread the Good News of Jesus Chrsit.
- Pray that those who accepted Jesus Christ through the ministries of Samsun Church would continue to grow in the Word and in prayers to be the disciples of Jesus Chrsit.
- Pray that Samsun Church would be protected from the national party leader who has attacked the church. We bind all rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms in the name of Jesus(Eph. 6:12)!

Our sister Jeren is a student at the University. She heard about Ahmet, who is a student in the same class as she is, having become a Christian, and she began gossipping negatively about Ahmet to other classmates.
Anyone leaving the Muslim faith was accused of being a bad sinner so she talked with other friends about Ahmet’s bad decision.
However, one day as she walked by our church, she noticed the free Bibles out on the stand, so she took one home with her.
Her intention was to find the false statements in the Bible to help her argue with Ahmet. After a week of reading the New Testament and on Saturday while she was sleeping she had a Dream. She was on the roof of the church and began to fall down.
Something took hold of her to rescue her, letting her softly land on the ground. “I was afraid I’d die”, she said, but she noticed that the man who rescued her had pierced hands.
The first thing that came to her mind when she woke up was John 20:26-28, which shares how Jesus showed His pierced hands to the disciples after rising from the dead.
She called us that morning sharing her dream with us and we encouraged her to put her faith in our Lord Jesus who gives us eternal life and salvation from death when we believe in His Truth.
We shared the Gospel with her telling her how Jesus gives eternal life to those who believe. God indeed performs miracles.
She had picked up a NT to argue her case against Ahmet but God used it to change her life bringing her to the same faith Ahmet was declaring even though he did nothing to bring her to God’s truth–God did it all! Sister Jeren has gone through preparation for Baptism and was baptized this past Sunday.
Your prayer seeds and support continue to enable these miracles of drawing new people into the Kingdom of God, and we are forever so thankful.
As you read this message, you may be thinking that we are visiting churches that we’ve been involved in planting in different cities around here as from all of them something like 100 people have been baptized just recently.
However, we do let you know that before we came on the scene, others had planted Gospel seeds in these cities by other workers in the past so that the beginnings of these churches were happening, and in God’s timing the hearts of these believers were opened to receive the gospel. So we thank God for all those who have helped in meeting the needs of these believers. May you all be blessed.
We continue to use your helpful support to meet the needs of refugees who come to our cities whether they are believers or unbelievers. Even those who are reluctant to attend our church meetings, we do our best to find homes for them, offering them helpful words from God’s Word, and offering them a meal.
We’re thankful for your help as we “try to share with them how everyone’s everlasting life is when we become true citizens of Heaven as we’re all strangers on this earth so they hear this good news while emigrating to Turkey.”
Our ministry in the jails in Turkey continues by promoting our social media presentations of the Gospel in every way possible. God is showing us some blessed results as we’re noticing around 100 Africans beginning to attend our churches.
They are seeking to worship our Lord Jesus in their own language of French so we continue to pray for someone who speaks French to come minister to them.
Actually, God has prepared someone, we’re thinking. Is it a man named Aqulias who is a mature believer in Jesus and a very humble young man from a family who are believers? He ministered at a church in his own African country before coming to Turkey.
He studied Law at the University in his country but now he is working on a Master’s degree in Turkey while he continues to share the Gospel and live for Jesus.
We’ve asked him to pray about joining our ministry team visiting different cities that we’ve been invited to come to, but preparing to minister in French to the many African brothers and sisters in these cities will take up his time.
Please do pray for this young brother, as in his country there are hundreds of believers and hundreds of ministers but in our country we are so short of needed ministers who can remain with us.
Additionally, there are many young Turkish believers who are growing in their faith, and do pray with us that we wisely anoint the right ones to help as ministers in our churches here.
If we show interest in the young people around us, they come to our church and believe in our Lord Jesus, then they share it with their friends, bringing more people to join us.
Our church isn’t hidden from the public at all, but even more open to offering Bibles for anyone passing by, and we seek to rent places where people can come, receive Bibles and hear about God’s love for them in other cities.
But satan gets angry and last month we were attacked by a national party leader who publicly in a crude way said nasty things about us, so please pray for our enemies as well. Also, pray for the refugees that we continue to serve as we want to meet their physical and spiritual needs.
Those who just hear for the first time the Gospel message come back from time to time, but some can’t return for different reasons. Sometimes they are pushed into smaller homes due to the inability to pay the rent for where they are staying, yet we try to help them as much as possible, especially with some food.